Wednesday 19 December 2018

Career Analysts Provides Career Advice To People Looking For The Next Stage

If you have become bored with your career after spending some years doing the same thing, you may benefit from using a professional careers advisor. Maybe your values or circumstances have changed to the point that you want to embark on a different career. Career counselling can hold the answer.
Has your career stressed you out to the point of burn out, or are you bored because you do not face enough career challenges? These are perfectly good motives to consider a major career change, but it is hard to know what career to choose if you have only had one career previously.
Careers advice takes different forms. If you need help in deciding what would be the best career for you, then a careers advisor can assess your strengths and weaknesses, your interests and personality using psychometric tests, and advise you what career would suit you best.
If you already know what career you want to do, careers advice can help you get there; helping you with your CV, finding the right job or with interview techniques training. Or if you are not ready top move jobs yet, then career counselling can help you understand yourself better and improve your prospects inhouse.
Planning your next career move should be strategic. You need to figure out where you want to be and then plan the route to get there. This is where a good careers advisor is worth their weight in gold. They know what careers there are out there and which would be best suited to you. And they are highly trained in plotting the route to get you there.
It is wise to Invest in professional careers counselling to prepare yourself for a new career. Your HR manager may well be prepared to pay for careers advice for your career development. It is a sensible investment in their staff.
Directing your career path with expert careers advice is much more likely to result in the attainment of your career goals. Whether you are looking to increase your salary or get more satisfaction in your career with an enhanced work-life balance, it all depends on discovering the career that’s well-matched with you (or who you might be given the training), so it important to do the initial career assessment regarding your talents and personality.
Normally, it is rash to walk out of your career unless you have gained a replacement. Getting a new career is much easier when you are already in work. You can spare yourself the worry.
Consider that a new career may not be the answer, maybe all you need is a new challenge. Talk to your immediate manager to let them know you are willing to take on additional responsibilities or a more demanding role. Often people are promoted to a position with many duties they are already doing. Your personal career goals are important, so good bosses will make every effort to accommodate your career needs. However, don’t jeopardise your present position; Don’t let it be known that you are fed up with your current role, but do make the right people understand that you are ready for advancement in your career.
A total career change is a radical step, but if necessary, then do consult a professional careers advisor to help you with the process. The cost of good careers advice will be amply repaid in the years ahead.
For more information please visit the website – or call Career Analysts on 0800 999 7778.
Company Name: Career Analysts
Contact Person: Leo Soloman
Email: Send Email
Phone: 0800 999 7778
Address:The Podium, 1 Eversholt St 
City: London, NW1 2FL
Country: United Kingdom

Monday 5 November 2018

Career Aptitude Tests Can Lead To The Right Career

A good independent careers advisor will tell you that there are a number of important factors to consider when you come to choose the right career and a fully qualified career change advisor will understand the value of using psychometric tests to unearth your real talents.
The first factor to consider is to find something you are really interested in or passionate about. If you can do that you are much more likely to enjoy your career and succeed at it. 
Next is to find a career that suits your personality – something that presses the right buttons in your heart and provides the perfect environment for you to be working in. 
Then, you want a career that is in line with your values and beliefs. Some people want to work in a career that supports the cause they believe in – others need to avoid certain careers that would be against their principles.
But perhaps the most important factor of all is that you need to play to your strengths. You need to know what your strengths and weaknesses are so that you can harness them to realise the real potential in your ideal career. This is where career aptitude tests come in.
Career aptitude tests are cleverly designed to unearth your abilities. You can imagine that certain career paths prize certain abilities. If numbers are not a strength, don’t aspire to be an accountant. If your verbal reasoning is not good, don’t try to become a lawyer. If your spatial visualisation isn’t good, don’t aim for architecture. 
If you are looking for career change advice in London, you could try Career Analysts. They are such a firm of career change advisors, who conduct career aptitude tests as well as the other psychometric tests listed above. 
The psychometric tests are completed by you at home first. They will take you about 5 hours to complete as there are hundreds of questions. Addition, they will ask you for lots of information about your background, education, what work you have done so far, if any, and some other personal information.
Once you have completed all the psychometrics and the career aptitude tests, you will meet one of their Occupational Psychologists face-to-face, one-on-one, and she will bring the results of the psychometric tests and explain what they mean to you. She will also have done her research into suitable careers for you so that you can discuss those options directly with her, aiming to help you decide what career path to go for in the next (or first) stage of your career.
The results of the psychometric tests are shown in the form of graphs.
For example, the personality graph is a bipolar graph. One characteristic measuring your self-discipline shows ‘tolerates disorder, unexacting, flexible’ at one end of the spectrum. The other extreme shows as ‘perfectionist, organised, self-disciplined’. 16 different personality traits – each with opposites are measured in this way.
The values graph measures your preferences for Aesthetic, Social, Material, Influence, Rational, and Beliefs as forces that motivate you.
The career aptitude tests measure numerical, verbal and perceptual reasoning, logic, mechanical understanding and spatial visualisation. It is not your overall level of success in these tests that is important but which of them you are better at than the others. 
The interest questionnaire measures your preferences for six major categories of career and each one of these is further subdivided into five more specific groups.
In the consultation, you will discuss careers that the Occupational Psychologist believes may be suitable and practical for you, based on the results of the psychometric tests. As you talk them through, you will be able to eliminate those that don’t appeal to you or are not suitable for whatever reason, until you are left with a very small number of career options that you can investigate further and make a final career decision. 
The aim of their programme is to narrow down your career options and arm you with sufficient knowledge to confidently make the right career decision. Many people keep their personal career reports for a lifetime so that it becomes a point of reference for years to come. 
You can visit Career Analysts website at They are always on the go to help, and their unrivaled commitment makes them a topnotch provider for all.
Company Name: Career Analysts 
Contact Person: Leo Solomon 
Email: Send Email
Phone: 0800 999 7778
Address:The Podium, 1 Eversholt St 
City: London NW1 2FL
Country: United Kingdom

Saturday 13 October 2018

Career guidance counselors London identify the best careers for you

Career Analysts is a firm of professional career guidance counsellors helping people to decide on the best career for them. This may be for a teenager making A level or degree choices London with a view to choosing the right career in the longer term; or those in their twenties who have completed their education and are still unsure what to do; or those who have started along one career path but have realised it wasn’t really what they expected; or those who have followed one career for some time – perhaps being successful in it – but who’s values have changed and who now want to change career and move in another direction. Whatever the background circumstances, Career Analysts help you make the right career choice.
As a firm of Occupational Psychologists, Career Analysts has a tried and tested methodology to help make these important career decisions. Each of their consultants has a minimum of 2 degrees. In one of them they learn about what careers are out there and what the requirements are for those careers. In the other one they learn how to interpret the results of the career tests (psychometric questionnaires) they conduct.
So, the theory is that, on the one hand they know about all the careers there are. If they can then find out about their client; what are they interested in? what are they good at? What would suit their personality? What is in line with their values and beliefs? What is practical for them? – then they can match them up with the best career for them – either for their initial career choices London or a career change later in life.
The career tests themselves are in real depth – they take about 5 hours to complete in total, although they don’t all need to be done in one session. Once completed, they are studied by the career guidance counsellor, who will use the results to research a number of possible career options.
Then for the important part – the meeting between the client and the Occupational Psychologist where they discuss a range of possible career choices, looking at the pro’s and cons of each career choice, before narrowing down those options and helping the client to choose the ideal career for them, given their present practical circumstances.
Of course, the meeting is followed up by a written report – not computer-generated but written by the career guidance counsellor – which spells out the results, what the meaning is for their client and what their recommendations are. Many people keep this report for a lifetime.
Using this scientific approach takes all the guesswork out of your career choice. The career tests painstakingly look at specific areas which are important when choosing the right career and then quantifies the results in graph format, showing exactly which career choices would be the best for you. It’s a real eye opener. It’s an opportunity not just to change your career but to change your life!
If you are looking for career advice for teenagers London, contact Career Analysts London now on 0800 999 7778 or send an email to Leo Soloman-  
Company Name: Career Analysts 
Contact Person: Leo Soloman 
Email: Send Email
Phone: 0800 999 7778 
Address:The Podium, 1 Eversholt St, London, NW1 2FL 
Country: United Kingdom